Friday, November 13, 2009

The Source

It looks as if they may have found the source of Ethan's infection. Any guesses? It turns out that one of the samples that they sent from the OR of Ethan's hematoma did in fact have some gram + cocci (infection) in it. They are not sure which "bug" is the culprit yet (I would guess staph), but it looks like they will probably take him off of the Vancomycin and change him to a different antibiotic now. They are also running some more blood cultures just to be proactive.

As far as Ethan is doing, he looks to be feeling much better. He didn't have a fever all night and even the profuse sweating is slowing down. He is still painful (but what do you expect?).

I am still not sure of the exact plan or length of stay at this point, but I believe we will still be moved out of the PICU to the floor sometime today. I will update more as I get more information.

Also, I just wanted to let you know what an amazing family I have. They have completely taken care of my kids, have sent gift packages for all of them in the mail (Ethan isn't the only one who has had to make some sacrifices), made meals, sent flowers and treats, brought DVD's and toys for Ethan, and also coordinated a surprise cleaning of my house (by multiple members of my family I found out, and it was GROSS).

I just want all of them (and everyone reading) how much I love and appreciate each and every member of my BIG extended family. You all mean the world to me and have made my heart full with the knowledge of how much I am loved and that I am truly never alone.

Also, I can't sign off without publicly thanking all of my many neighbors and friends for your sweet phone calls, FB and blog comments, meals, rides for my kids, and for the very thoughtful and fun gift bag (thanks again, Diana).

I have the greatest family in the WORLD. I have cherished friends who I love dearly. I have wonderful neighbors who look out for us. And to top it off, I belong to an amazing "heart family" support group. Honestly, I couldn't ask for anything more.

Thank you. All of you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you.



Ty and Ber said...

I am so glad that they found the cause. I am glad that Ethan s feeling better, hopefully he won't be so painful soon.
Our thoughts and prayers cont to be with you and your family.

The Hood's said...

So glad they found the source! Hopefully the new antibiotics will cure it in no time! Best of luck... you'll be home before you know it!

Kaidence's Mommy said...

I am so happy that they finally know what is causng the fevers. Hopefully they can switch antibiotics and he will be doing better AT HOME in no time. Sending well wishes your way!!!

Karalee said...

I love you Allison!!!

The Gatherum Family said...

i am glad they found the source, now hopefully they can work on getting him better. we are praying for you guys and REALLY wish there was something we could do. let us know if you think of ANYTHING...

Blake and Jessica said...

What a relief to know what was causing the infection! Amen! On another sister just got a job last week at a law firm in Salt Lake and guess what?!? It just so happens to be the one Tim works at! How ironic?