Friday, October 12, 2007

Get Moving

OK, so I understand that my posts from now may be pretty boring to all those who might be reading. Now that the drama of Ethan is pretty stable the only stuff I have to write about is my own life, which by all accounts is not very exciting. This site started out as an information source to keep people updated on Ethan's condition and I will continue to do this when there is news. In the meantime it will serve as a journal of family happenings for myself and people who may be interested.

Yesterday was a pretty busy day. I had a staff meeting up in Ogden that I had to go to and then I went to Emily's soccer game. She did so good. She actually scored 3 goals. She seems to be a pretty natural athlete and really loves physical activity. She is a fast runner and is not scared of the ball. She is a real go getter on the field. So after her game we went and picked up Spencer from his football practice, picked up some pizza and went home to see Tim. Things were pretty settled down so I decided that I would go and play volleyball at the church house to try and get a little physical activity as well as a little socialization. So anyway, here is how pathetically out of shape I am. I came home in a great mood. It felt so good to get out and MOVE. We played a pretty fast paced game called king of the court because there were so many people. You were constantly moving. Anyway, when I got home I was sweating like a pig! I stripped down to my underwear and turned the fan on because was so hot. I made Tim promise me that if I was dragging my feet next Thursday when we practice again that he would encourage me. I really enjoyed myself but I can get lazy and talk myself out of it when the day actually comes around.

Boring, I know. But after being cooped up in the house most of my days, it is big fun for me to get out and do something. Also, Adrian (my sister-in-law) "tagged" me. This means that I am supposed to post 6 interesting things about myself. Watch for this post in a few days because it will take me at least that long to come up with something. Hope all is well with all of you.



Melanie said...

I don't think that stuff is boring to hear. It's what makes blogging fun! Most of us don't have time to talk on the phone with everyone we'd like to keep in touch with, so blogs are a fun way to keep up!

The Gatherum Family said...

I agree with Melanie, I love hearing about other people's lives, maybe that just proves what a loser I am, I don't know, but I like it!