It took a while for Emily's video to download, but now, here it is for your viewing pleasure.
She says she can't wait until she can do it again. I love my crazy girl!
"When you come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen. There will be solid ground to stand on or you will be taught to fly."
It took a while for Emily's video to download, but now, here it is for your viewing pleasure.
She says she can't wait until she can do it again. I love my crazy girl!
I tried to post both Gavin and Emily's rodeo ride, but for some reason it won't let me. So here is Gavin's, and I will do Emily's in a seperate post. Gavin was so excited to get some unexpected money from his ride. He was a hoot to watch! Anyway, here is Gavin's ride on his sheep.
Gavin and Emily (and several of their cousins) heard about this fun opportunity and couldn't wait to give it a try. Neither of the kids have ever ridden on a sheep or a cow, in fact, I don't even know if they have ever been to a rodeo before. Regardless, they couldn't wait to get on and ride! Surprisingly, they each showed up with a certificate and $3. The kids were so excited. They didn't even know that they would get a prize from the rodeo itself. Their uncle Bryan had previously given an incentive of $5 for each catagory (the sheep and the cow) for the child who stayed on the longest.
Is it a surprise that both Gavin and Emily won the money? Not if you know them! Not a bad days work I'd say.
---AllisonWe went on a week long family vacation to Bryce Canyon a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, Tim and Spencer were unable to join us until the 2ND to last day due to some circumstances out of Tim's control. I have to tell you, I sure missed them. It's always hard to go on a family vacation without having the whole family there. Especially when the kids that were with me have different interest and/or activity levels. Luckily, I had my parents and most of my siblings (missed you Adam and Angela) there to visit with and to help me out when I needed it. I felt the worst for Spencer, though. I just imagined him sitting a home alone by himself knowing that we were having fun without him. Tim did his best to make it up to him that week and we've already made some plans for him to go on the deer hunt this Fall to try and pay him back for his missed vacation.
Anyway, although it was stressful at times, we were able to do a lot of fun things. I was kind of worried about how the elevation would effect Ethan, but he seemed to do really well. The overall favorite things that went on were the rodeo (this will have a post of it's own), horseback riding, staying in a tee pee, hiking, visiting with family, and of course the swimming.
Here are just a few pictures from this amazing and one of a kind vacation!