Not that I didn't already know that it's been a while since my last post, but it was confirmed when I uploaded all of the pictures and they came out completely mixed up. So, I will just give you the basic run down of our little family vacation and you can just figure out how the pictures fit in to it.
Tim informed me a week before our vacation that he would not be able to come down with the kids and I but would have to come down a couple of days later. I was definitely bummed, but Tim needed to get some things done at work and didn't feel he could take the time off. Unfortunately, I couldn't change the dates, so there was nothing I could do but just roll with it. Anyway, the kids and I woke up early (5am) and made the 4 1/2 hour drive without too much trouble. We got settled into the condo we rented and of course the first thing the kids wanted to do was to go swimming.
Our whole vacation consisted of swimming, napping, swimming, golfing, swimming, mini golfing, swimming, reading, swimming, shopping, and then a little bit more swimming. Needless to say, we had a wonderful time with just our little family and we hope to make it a yearly event.
The only thing that put a little kink into our vacation was Ethan started having rapid respirations (65-75 per minute) and an increased heart rate the afternoon before we were supposed to come home. I watched him closely that day and although he was acting fine his respirations never resolved. I woke up around 5:30 (the morning we were supposed to leave) to find his respirations were still in the low to mid 70's. I called the on-call Cardiologist at PCMC because I was starting to get bugged that his breathing wasn't resolving. I wasn't sure if we should come home and have him looked at PCMC or if we should take him to the Emergency Department in St. George before we made the long drive. Anyway, although there were no other symptoms and he was acting fine, the Cardiologist felt that he should be seen that day and since the cardiology clinic was closed due to the holiday (it was July 5th) we should just go to the ER in St. George. He felt that it would probably be best to have him checked out before we left for home.
So, even though it was not the end of our vacation that we had planned, it turns out that everything was fine and they let us go home after about 5 hours in the Emergency Department. They did x-rays, an EKG, and lab work and everything came back normal. They didn't see any signs of heart failure, dehydration, kidney troubles, infection, or anything abnormal for that matter.
His breathing continued to be fast the rest of that day as well, but by Tuesday, he was back to his normal self. I still have no idea what was wrong, but I am very relieved that it was nothing serious. Ethan does have a routine appointment with his cardiologist next Thursday, so we'll see what he thinks during that visit.
Well, that is the basic run down of our 5 day St. George vacation. Here are the pictures to go along with all of my jibber jabber. Again, sorry for the randomness of the pictures. They had this simple mini golf course in the club house of where we stayed. The best part is that it only cost $1 and the kids loved it.